How does the daily DD work (Standard Evaluation)

Written by Flash Forex Funds
Updated 7 months ago


In our standard challenge, we use equity drawdown limits. This means your available drawdown for the day would be 5% of your balance at the start of the day (5pm EST). Please look at the examples below to ensure you fully understand this.

Example 1:
On a 100K Account, if at 5pm EST you have an open trade with a floating profit of $2,000, your account equity will be 102K. With a 5% daily drawdown, the equity cannot drop below $98,000 ($102,000 - $5,000 = $97,000) on the next trading day.

Example 2:
If there are no open trades at 5pm EST, the daily drawdown will be 5% of whatever the closed balance is.

Live account: In our standard challenge, we use equity drawdown limits. This means your available drawdown for the day would be 4% of your balance at the start of the day (5pm EST). Please look at the examples below to ensure you fully understand this.

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